I purchased this app a few months ago and began reviewing with it for the Private Pilot Airplane written exam, in conjunction with a couple other textbooks and the FAR/AIM. I found the app for the iPad easy to use and does pretty much as advertised, and I believe that without it I would not have done as well in the exam. I prepared for a couple of months and by the time my practice tests were consistently above 95% I felt ready for the real thing. My test score was 97%, missing 2 out of 61 questions. I was quite happy with that. I believe that I could have gotten 100% were it not for the fact that there were about 6-8 questions in the exam that were not included in the apps repertory. Most of these could be reasoned out based on questions covered in the app, however, one of the two missed questions was one I had never seen before. Also, a good half of the questions were phrased somewhat differently than here, and the figures in some were also different, so dont memorize, make sure you understand the concepts and can apply them to similar but not exactly identical questions. I know the FAA is constantly changing the question set, so I imagine about 10% will not even be covered in this app, so expect that. Thats the reason for the "almost" in my reviews title. Some advice for the real test: take your time, read each question very carefully, and each and every answer, do not hurry through them. Some questions appear to be duplicates of others you may have seen, but they may be worded differently, others have minor differences in context you have to be careful about. Do the easy ones first and flag the more challenging ones for later, and above all do not hurry through it, use all the time provided to review, I changed a few of my answers during my second time through and would have missed those had it not been for going through each one a second time around. Good luck, with some serious study and the help of this app theres no reason you should not do very well in this exam.
Ninja no soy about FAA Private Pilot Prep, v9.6.3